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Free Name Engraving on Spacecraft

Free Name Engraving on Spacecraft

Nasa has created a fun and free way to join in with one of their missions! You can sign up for their Message in Bottle campaign, where you can have your name engraved on the Europa Clipper spacecraft. This spacecraft is set to travel 1.8 billion miles to explore the ocean world on one of Jupiter's moons named Europa, and your name can go too! This is a brilliant freebie for anyone who loves space and space travel or anything out of this world.

Click the green button if you want to read more about Message in a Bottle and sign up for the freebie on the NASA website. Once there, you should fill in the form to add your name, and when you have done that, you can even get customised artwork. While you are on their website, you can also see a map of how many other people in the world have gotten involved with the mission.


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