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Free TENA Discreet Samples

Free TENA Discreet Samples

The TENA Discreet range is designed to allow women to deal with sensitive bladders confidently. These pads are absorbent, have odour control, and more so you can feel secure and protected against leaks. Now, you can give these pads a try because TENA is giving away free sample packs!

A freebie like this means you can see if the range works for you risk-free. You can try the pads, and if you love them, you can buy them in stores, and if not, you haven't lost anything. Order yours today by clicking "CLAIM OFFER", and the TENA order form will appear in a new window. Fill that in, and your sample pack will be delivered to your home. The sample comes in discreet packaging, so people won't know what it is unless you tell them. Get yours before the samples go!


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